In 2015-2016, over 40% of U.S. first-year students received merit-based scholarships from Macalester. Merit scholarship awards range from $8,000 to $72,000 over four years.
All first-year applicants are considered for merit-based scholarships (transfer applicants are not considered for merit-based scholarships). No additional scholarship application is required. Students selected for merit-based scholarships are notified by the Admissions Office, shortly after admission notices are sent.
DeWitt Wallace Distinguished Scholarships
DeWitt Wallace Distinguished Scholarships are awarded on a highly competitive basis to high-achieving students. The Admissions committee makes these awards. No special application is required to be considered for this scholarship. If you have been awarded a DeWitt Wallace Distinguished Scholarship, it will be renewed at the same amount each year you are enrolled at Macalester, provided that you make satisfactory progress toward graduation.
Catharine Lealtad Scholarships
Catharine Lealtad Scholarships are named for Macalester’s first African American graduate, Catharine Lealtad ’15. These scholarships are awarded to selected African American, Latino, and Native American students with strong high school records. The Admissions committee selects recipients. There is no special application to complete. Lealtad Scholarships will be renewed at the same amount for each year you are enrolled at Macalester, provided that you make satisfactory progress toward graduation.
Macalester College National Merit Scholarships
Macalester College National Merit Scholarships are awarded to National Merit Finalists who have designated Macalester as their first-choice college.
The Charles J. Turck Presidential Honor Scholarship
The Charles J. Turck Presidential Honor Scholarship is awarded to a limited number of international students who demonstrate special potential to excel academically and contribute significantly to the Macalester community. The scholarships range from $10,000 to $15,000 per year. Every international applicant is automatically considered for the Turck Scholarship -- no special application is required.
查理斯J. 特克校长荣誉奖学金
查理斯J. 特克校长荣誉奖学金有一定的名额,颁发给具备特殊的学术潜力并且有潜力为玛卡莱斯特学院社区做出重大贡献的国际学生。查理斯J. 特克校长荣誉奖学金每年的金额在10000美元到15000美元之间。每位国际学生都会自动被这项奖学金考虑,不需要单独申请。