XXXX作为上海大众在湖南株洲唯一的特许经销商,自2010年开业以来,销售量稳步提升,现年销售量已达1800台。上海大众在本地区的市场占有率也稳步攀升,我店2012年荣获厂家市场占有率提升奖,并在2013年将上海大众在株洲的市占率提升到第一位。售后进场台次已达到1300台,年产值达到1500万元。优秀的管理团队和完善的管理流程,是取得骄人业绩的基础。我店一直秉承上海大众“追求卓越 永争第一”的经营理念,给大众提供最优质、全面给大众提供最优质、全面的服务,做一流的汽车销售商。As an distributor that is specially allowed to be exclusive in Zhuzhou of Huban , Shanghai Volkswagen 's sale volume has obtained a stable increase with annual turnover of 1800 pcs since its establishment in 2010
As an only franchised dealer in Zhuzhou city of Hunan province , The sale amount of Shanghai Volkswagen is increasing stably with yearly turnover of one thousand and eight hundred PCS since it was founded in 2010
As a sole licensed dealer in zhouzhou city of hunan province , The sale quantities of Shanghai Volkswagen has reached a stable increase with annual sale volume of 1800PCS since its creation in 2010