在美国,跨族婚姻很普遍。与亚洲人通婚的白人多是男人和亚洲女人在一起,而亚洲男人同白人女人在一起的例子不是很多。从这些白人女性所讨论的内容来看,白人女性对亚洲男人还是有好感的,但也有一些偏见。比如说,身才不够高大,性方面不能满足白种女人,脾气不好,老一辈对儿女干涉太多,宗教不同,下一代教育问题等等。比较严重的偏见是在性方面。一是亚洲男人的SIZE不够,二是亚州男人对性的过分要求。难听点儿说,就是性心有余而性力不足。但这两点,对于同亚洲男人有性经验的白人女人来说,都是不成立的。她们都同意,跨族婚姻最重要的还是要看两个人的感情,这一点,可以看出天下女性的宽容谦让的共性和对感情方面和睦的追求。以下是在一个美国网站的论坛上,一个在和中国男人恋爱的犹太姑娘发贴而引起的讨论。她想知道其他人对白人女性同亚州男性相处有什么看法。回贴的人很多,有白人,黑人,拉美人,还有在北美出生的亚洲男性和女性。因篇幅太多,只选择一些有代表性的白人女ID回贴。 比较有意思的是一个俄罗斯姑娘PINKLACES的回贴,文中透露出她对亚州男人说到做到的欣赏和对学校里美国男生乱搞和亚州女生乱睡的鄙视。还有一个有趣的现象是一些在北美出生的亚洲男孩和从移民来的亚洲姑娘的态度。因篇幅太长,没有登在这里。但他们的观点很有意思。这些在北美出生的亚裔男生回贴中反复强调他们是如何与其他亚洲男人不同,他们是如何身强力壮,只喜欢白人女孩,不喜欢亚洲女孩。他们认为因为他们和白人女孩生长在一起,容易沟通。而亚洲女孩太懦弱,听话,没主见。 Luv2Me [more]IP: Logged Posts: 14 Group: New Member Joined: Aug 2002 Status: OFFLINEMake Buddy | PM User Hi there. I’m currently in my first interracial relationship. I’m white and Jewish, and I’m dating a Chinese guy. We have a lot in common... in fact, I’m taking Mandarin Chinese (unfortunately he speaks Cantonese, but no matter) and started even before I met him. I’m studying East Asian Studies in university, and so is he. We’ve got a lot in common, and my parents accept him (although they wish he was Jewish) and his mother really likes me.I rarely see other couples like us, though... usually it’s an Asian girl with a white guy. I’m wondering if there’s anyone else like me out there? Lethe [more]IP: Logged Posts: N/A Group: Guest Joined: Not Yet Status:| Hey Luv2Me,There are other white female/Asian male couples, though I agree, I don’t see many wandering the streets, either. I’m pretty sure there are several on here...My fiance is Korean-American, and I’m a Dutch/German -descended Midwestern girl. I’m not entirely clear on why the disparity between AF/WM couples and WF/AM couples exists, though I’ve heard a lot of theories about it, ranging from the reasonable to the insane - someone once warned me in all seriousness that Asian men’s penises were too small to satisfy a white woman (and NO this isn’t true, duh). I’ve also been warned that they were all inherently sexist (also untrue). But then again, with these kinds of stupid questions wandering around, no wonder... --Lethe. shanshiyi more]IP: Logged Posts: N/A Group: Guest Joined: Not Yet Status:| I understand that situation you mentioned coz white girls are usually slightly bigger and taller than some Asian guys so it doesn’t look compatible to each other. ANd usually bigger girls want to date guys who are bigger or taller than them.But In Hong Kong, I witness many White girls date Chinese -look guys as many as White guys date Chinese -look girls. Chinese guys in university- days are still slim but they will become physicially bigger after 24 or 25. They can be compatible to white girls then.P.S. My male friends go to high school in the US and they all did once and some still are dating White girl-clasmates. Probably teenager girls do not care about body size.