英语作文:注意交通安全 7句话

职业培训 培训职业 2024-12-28
We should be aware of safety of transportation. In the fast grwon 21 century now, people more likely go to places by driving. Since the using of number of cars is highly increasing, we should be conscious about the dangerousness of crossing stressts when

We should be aware of safety of transportation. In the fast grwon 21 century

now, people more likely go to places by driving. Since the using of number of

cars is highly increasing, we should be conscious about the dangerousness of

crossing stressts when the traffic light is red. Thousands of people lost their

family because of lack of awareness on traffic light. On the other hand, when

you are driving, you should be 100 present concentrated. When a driver trys

to change lines into your driving line, you need to slow down in order to

give her a space to cut in. Ohterwise, you would be the trouble maker.




