团结的英语作文5o字
职业培训
培训职业
2024-12-28
Familiesspecializeintheirtasksbydividingtheworkamongthedifferentmembersaccordingtowhattheyarebestqualifiedtodo。Forexample,motherscook,childrenwashdishesandmakebeds,fathersmowthegraandpaintthehouse。Bydoingthesamethingagainandagain,andbyclosecooperati
Families
specialize
in
their
tasks
by
dividing
the
work
among
the
different
members
according
to
what
they
are
best
qualified
to
do。
For
example,
mothers
cook,
children
wash
dishes
and
make
beds,
fathers
mow
the
graand
paint
the
house。
By
doing
the
same
thing
again
and
again,
and
by
close
cooperation,
a
family
is
able
to
work
faster
and
get
more
work
done
than
if
just
one
do
many
kinds
of
tasks。
家庭专门从事他们的任务划分不同成员之间的工作根据他们最有资格做什么。例如,母亲做饭,孩子洗碗和铺床叠被,父亲割草和油漆的房子。一遍又一遍地做同样的事情,通过密切团结合作,一个家庭能够更快地工作,完成更多的工作比只有一个执行多种任务。
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