
职业培训 培训职业 2025-01-07
我刚把成绩提交ECE认证,大概下个星期会收到评估结果。材料在ECE的网站上选择国家(China)之后会有网页跳出,里面有详细的介绍,主要是提交:1. 成绩单中英文各一份(最好装进信封里密封盖章)2. 毕业证和学位证复印件和英文翻译各一(最好盖教务处章)3. 特殊的中国特色——



1. 成绩单中英文各一份(最好装进信封里密封盖章)

2. 毕业证和学位证复印件和英文翻译各一(最好盖教务处章)

3. 特殊的中国特色——就是要提交一个查询码,用于在教育部网站上查询你的毕业证的真伪,这个查询码要用移动或联通手机发送短信才能收到,一条2块钱。



At any time during the evaluation process, ECE reserves the right to request the following: Original documents; documents to be sent directly to ECE by issuing institutions; and/or a plan of studies that includes the units, credits, or number of hours of instruction for each subject.

• Photocopies of all official educational credentials issued in the official language of the country (Chinese), beginning with the final year of secondary school. Send all those which apply to your educational history; - Upper middle school graduation diploma;

- All certificates, diplomas, and degrees; to expedite the evaluation process, please include the CHSI inquiry code (查询码) for all graduation certificates awarded in 2001 or later.

- Official grade reports/transcripts/academic records for all academic work completed beyond upper middle school.

• Photocopies of English translations. You may prepare the translations yourself, as long as they are complete, literal, word-for-word, and in the same format as the original document. Please do not submit original translations; they will not be returned.

• Subject Analysis, Catalog Match, and Health Professions Licensure reports require a syllabus or other type of course descriptions to be submitted for all postsecondary academic subjects.

• Please check with the institution(s) to which you plan to submit our evaluation report for any additional documentation they might require. Some institutions require that we base our evaluation reports on original documents. If you plan to submit our evaluation report to one of them, you must submit original educational documents to us.

• If you submit insufficient documentation, we will contact you. We will keep your application active for six months, but you may request an extension. If we do not hear from you within six months or by the end of the extension, we will inactivate your application. A $60 re-activation fee is required if you want us to resume our evaluation after that date. If another six months passes without us hearing from you, we will discard all documentation. If you contact us after your documents have been discarded, a new application form, evaluation fee, and all documentation will be required.

• With the exceptions noted below, ECE will return original documentation sent in response to the instructions in Required Documentation and any other original documentation specifically requested by ECE. You may request courier delivery for their return. If you do not request courier delivery, we will return your original documents via regular mail. All non-original documents, all documents sent directly to us by academic institutions, original curricula and syllabi, and all photocopies become ECE's property and will not be returned.



