
职业培训 培训职业 2024-12-02
The fast developiryt era, the swift renewing of the knowledge require a more attention to the training of the students thinking, to let students dare to say "no" to the authority, to came up with their own creative thoughts, to let their thinking fly as t

The fast developiryt era, the swift renewing of the knowledge require a more attention to the training of the students thinking, to let students dare to say "no" to the authority, to came up with their own creative thoughts, to let their thinking fly as the flowers coming out, to let their intelligence develop on all the aspects.

Western students enjoy a seemingly relaxed educational experience. This, however, is not the case for students in Asia, who face crushing workloads and are often very disciplined.

Today’s education in china is still teacher-centred.The truth is that the children in china are desperately to work hard from the primary school to the senior high school in order to pass the college entrance examination, not only children, but also parents and teachers are believing that-- study hard, , win promotion and get rich, seems to be hidden in the phenomenon -- and everything else seems to be highfalutin word.



