如何用英语表达自己的观点
在众人面前表达自己的观点,尤其是和大家不同的观点,是件很难的事。你可以一步一步地练习,来克服这个障碍。
5:
It
is
tough
for
me
to
speak
up
and
share
my
opinions,
especially
if
they
are
somewhat
controversial.
要我直抒胸臆很难,尤其遇到那些有争议的事
Addresses
expressing
your
opinions
如何表达自己的观点
When
people
lack
assertiveness,
it
is
difficult
for
them
to
share
their
ideas,
especially
if
they
differ
from
the
majority
or
from
an
influential
person’s
opinion.
The
key
to
getting
yourself
to
share
your
ideas
is
to
be
clear
on
what
they
are
and
how
others
could
benefit
from
them.
当人们缺乏主张力时,要他们分享自己的看法是一件困难的事情,特别当他们的观点和多数人或有影响力的人的观点不同时就更难做到了。要把自己的观点表达出来,首先要清楚了解自己的想法,以及别人如何可以从中受益。
The
best
way
to
work
on
this
assertiveness
skills
is
to
share
your
opinions
in
increasingly
difficult
situations.
You
may
begin
by
expressing
your
semi-controversial
views
in
a
conversation
with
a
friend.
Then
you
express
your
opinions
to
your
direct
reports
at
work.
Then
you
state
a
potentially
unpopular
viewpoint
with
your
boss.
And
finally
you
express
an
outside
of
the
box
idea
in
a
board
meeting
in
front
of
your
训练这项主张能力水平的最好办法是逐渐增加表达观点场合的难度。开始你可以在和朋友聊天的时候表达一些有点争议的观点;进一步,你可以在工作中向你的顶头上司表达自己的观点;然后,向你的老板阐述一个可能不是很多人认同的观点。最后,在董事会上你可以在副总裁面前表达一个“跳出了思维框架”的观点。
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