
职业培训 培训职业 2025-01-07
总之, 意大利中国侨民以不久的移民历史取得的成绩还是需要套句老话“勤劳美德”。In short, nationals Italy and China's achievements in the history of the immigrants in the near or need to use an old saying, "ethic." 但总的还是不出3大传统行业, 现有的华人劳力

总之, 意大利中国侨民以不久的移民历史取得的成绩还是需要套句老话“勤劳美德”。In short, nationals Italy and China's achievements in the history of the immigrants in the near or need to use an old saying, "ethic." 但总的还是不出3大传统行业, 现有的华人劳力也已过剩,如何改变,还有待中国侨民善用智慧.But still less than three traditional industries, the Chinese have excess labor, how to change use wisdom yet to be Chinese nationals.

政府 Government

意大利为议会制共和国,立法、执法、司法权三权分立,国家元首不兼任政府首脑,国家与罗马教廷的关系也是“各行其政,独立自主”。Italy parliamentary republic, legislation, law enforcement, judicial separation of powers, not the holding of the Summit of Heads of State. the relationship between the state and the Holy See also "all out its affairs independently." 意大利宪法规定,意大利的立法机构是议会,包括参众两院。Italian Constitution, the legislative bodies of the Italian Parliament, including the Senate and House of Representatives. 参议院议席325人,按地区选举,任期五年,其中十位由前任总统和现任总统从对国家有特殊贡献的人士中挑选;众议院630席,按人口比例分区选举,任期五年。325 Senate seats, according to district elections for five-year terms. Ten former president and the incumbent president from the country who were selected with special contributions; 630 House seats, District elections in proportion to the population, a five-year term.



