澳大利亚新年在几月几日
职业培训
培训职业
2025-01-06
InAustraliatheycelebratetheNewYearonJanuary1.Thisdayisapublicholidayandmanypeoplehavepicnicsandcampoutonthebeach.在澳大利亚他们在一月一日这天庆祝新年。这一天是公共节假日而很多人还会到沙滩上野餐或野营。TheyhavepartiesthatstartonDecember31andatmidnighttheys
In
Australia
they
celebrate
the
New
Year
on
January
1.
This
day
is
a
public
holiday
and
many
people
have
picnics
and
camp
out
on
the
beach.
在澳大利亚他们在一月一日这天庆祝新年。这一天是公共节假日而很多人还会到沙滩上野餐或野营。
They
have
parties
that
start
on
December
and
at
midnight
they
start
to
make
noise
with
whistles
and
rattles,
car
horns
and
church
bells.
To
ring
in
the
New
Year.
他们还会从十二月三十一日晚上举行派对,在凌晨他们开始用口哨,拨浪鼓,车喇叭,和教堂钟来创造噪音来迎接新年。
In
Australia
New
Year
is
a
day
for
outdoor
activities
such
as
rodeos,
picnic
races
and
surf
carnivals.
在澳大利亚新年的第一天是像马术竞赛,野餐赛跑和狂欢冲浪的户外活动的一天。
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