米饭是全球很多饮食系统的 支柱 (mainstay),有些西方媒体还开玩笑说:多亏了有米饭和方便面来续命,大学生们才能存活下来。,但是,虽然这种用途多样的谷物既便宜又容易煮,但它有一个大问题:容易让你长胖。,事实上,一杯煮熟的米饭含有240大卡的淀粉卡路里,如果不及时燃烧掉,它们很快就会转化为脂肪。,But researchers in Sri Lanka have discovered a simple way of cooking the grain that dramatically cuts its calories by as much as 50 percent, and also offers some other important health benefits.,不过,斯里兰卡的研究人员发现了一种简单易行的烹饪方法,可以极大地削减米饭的卡路里,幅度可达50%,而且还能同时带来很多其他健康方面的大好处。,According to the 2015 study, all you need to do is get a pot of water boiling, but before adding your raw rice, you add coconut oil - about 3 percent of the weight of the rice you're going to add.,根据这项2015年的研究,你所需要做的仅仅是:等水煮开后,在加米之前先加入椰子油——加入的椰子油重量大约是你要煮的米的3%。,So that's roughly a teaspoon for half a cup of rice, explains Sudhair James, an undergraduate chemistry student from the College of Chemical Sciences in Sri Lanka, who led the research with his supervisor.,换句话说,也就是差不多一杯米饭配一茶匙椰子油。说这句话的是 Sudhair James,他是斯里兰卡化学院的一名化学系本科生,这个研究就是他和他的主管一起主导的。,He presented the work at the National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society in March 2015.,他于2015年3月在美国化学学会全国会议暨博览会上发表了这个成果。,"After it was ready, we let it cool in the refrigerator for about 12 hours. That's it," James told The Washington Post.,James对《华盛顿邮报》说:“那之后,我们让它在冰箱里冷却了12个小时。”,要吃的时候,你仅仅需要把它放进微波炉转一转,然后就能得到一碗蓬松的白米饭,这时的米饭对你来说就变得健康很多了。,很简单,对吧?不过这个简单的过程却牵扯着很多复杂的食品化学原理。其中最核心的一点就是:并不是所有的淀粉都是一样的。,There are o main types - digestible starches, which our bodies quickly turn into glucose and store as fat if we don't burn it up; andresistantstarches, which aren't broken down into glucose in the stomach, so they have a lower calorie content.,淀粉有两个主要分类——一种是可消化的淀粉,我们的身体会迅速把它们分解为葡萄糖,其中没燃烧完的会被转化为脂肪储存起来;另一种是抗性淀粉,它们不会在胃里分解为葡萄糖,所以他们含有的卡路里要低一些。,这种淀粉基本会在你的消化系统里一路保持原样,他们起到的作用更像是 膳食纤维 (dietary fibre),能够给肠胃带来一系列的好处。,虽然诸如土豆、米饭一类的淀粉性食物本来就含有很多抗性淀粉,但在一些烹调方式的作用下,很多抗性淀粉发生化学反应转变了,于是它们基本都变成了可消化的淀粉。,所以,如果你必须要吃米饭,又不想长胖的话,选对烹饪方式是很重要的。,Researchers had previously noted that, strangely enough, fried rice and pilaf style rice both seem to have more resistant starch than the more monly prepared steamed rice.,研究者们之前还发现了一个神奇的事:与常见的蒸米饭相比,炒饭和肉烧饭通常含有更多的抗性淀粉。,OK,来讲讲今天的词 Resistant ,不难看出,它是resist(抵抗)变来的。,Resisitant是形容词,它的名词形式是resistance,表示“抗性”。,那么,我们来造个句子吧~,Some people are very resistant to the idea of exercise.,一些人对锻炼这个想法非常牴触。