Pre Driving Check List 口令
1 Brake lights
1 刹车灯
2 Left Turn Signal
2 左转等
3 Right Turn Signal
3 右转灯
4 Emergency Flashers
4 双闪,应急双闪灯
5 Turn on and off Windshield wipers
5 打开和关上雨刷器
7 Roll down Drivers Window and Roll up
7 打开和关上司机那侧的窗户
8 Roll down passanger Window and roll up
8 升起和降下乘客那侧的窗户
9 Turn on and off defroster
9 开起和关闭除霜开关
10 Show me the brake
10 指示刹车
11 Show me the gas
11 指出油门
12 Show me the emergency brake put on / release brake
12 示范手刹然后松开
13 Adjust your rearview mirror
13 调整后视镜
14 Adjust your right and lest outside mirrors
14 调整左右外面的镜子
15 Left turn hand signal
15 左转的手势
16 Right Turn Hand Signal
16 右转的手势
17 Hand Signal for STOP
17 停车的手势
18 Open the Hood of your Car.
18 打开机箱盖
19 Show me your insurance Card
19 出示你的保险卡
20 Fasten your seat belt
20 系上你的安全带
21 Take off your seat belt
21 解开安全带
22 open passenger door
22 请打开乘客门
路 考 系 列
Put on your seat belt.
Turn on the heater/air conditioner.
打开暖气 / 冷气
Go straight / keep moving straight. 直行
Right turn 右转
left turn 左转
Turn on the headlights. 开车头灯
Turn on the windshield wiper. 开雨刷
First street right turn/left turn.第一条街右转 / 左转
Traffic light right turn/left turn. 红绿灯右转 / 左转
Stop sign make a right turn/left turn. 停车牌右转 / 左转
Stay in this lane. 保持在这条线路行驶
Second street 第二条街
Right of way 优先权
Stop the car here. 在这里停车
Pull over to the curb. 靠路边停车
Slow down 慢驶
Back up 后退
Back into the driveway 倒车进入车道
Try again 再试一次
Head in parking/drive in. 车头进泊车
Back in parking. 后退泊车
Too close 太接近
Too slow 太慢
Too fast 太快
Speed up. 加速
Give your signal. 打灯号
Cancel your signal. 取消灯号
Watch for pedestrians. 注意行人
Take it easy/relax please. 请不要紧张
More gas 加油
Follow the car 跟着前车
Parallel parking 平行泊车
Up hill parking 上坡泊车
Down hill parking 下坡泊车
Intersection 十字路口
Go back to the test centre. 回考试中心
Entrance 入口
Exit 出口
Parking brake 手刹
Turn off the engine. 关闭引擎
You failed. 你不合格
You passed. 你通过
1 丶 Drive straight and turn at the next stop sign
1 丶直行到下一个停标示转弯
2 丶 Turn left at the next traffic light
2 丶下一个红绿灯左转。
3 丶 Show ability to stop vehicle quickly 测试紧急刹车
(put your foot on the gas pedal and step on the brake as quickly as you can when told to stop)
3 丶(把脚放在油门加上当你听到口令时竟可能快的急刹车)。
4 丶 Backing-you will be directed to back your vehicle around a corner to the right, staying as close to the edge of the street as you can and safely continue backing in a straight line until directed to stop
4 丶倒车,向右后方倒车,尽可能得靠在马路边然后再直直的倒进去,到停下来。