
职业培训 培训职业 2025-01-05
国际学生就读于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)专业证书课程可获得奖学金。奖学金的授予是依据国际学生的学术学习,交流能力和学习中的出色表现。此奖学金为就读UCLA证书课程的专项奖学金。通常每个季度都有4个奖项。礼品奖是每个收件人约1550美元。Hummel ScholarshipThe La



Hummel Scholarship

The Laurel Hummel Scholarship for International Students was established at UCLA Extension in 2005 by the Hummel family to honor Mrs. Laurel Hummel, who created the first International Student Office at UCLA Extension in the 1970s.

Usually 4 awards are made each quarter. The gift-award is approximately $1,550 for each recipient and is applied toward course fees at UCLA Extension.

Students who are citizens of a foreign country or who have dual citizenship (United States and another country) can apply.

To apply:

Have full-time F1 student status at UCLA Extension.

Complete at least 12 units with grades of C or better within your program (English language courses do not count).

Maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 within your program.

Submit scholarship application, transcript, and recommendations.

More about the Hummel Scholarship

The scholarships seek to foster multicultural perspectives in the classroom reflecting today’s global society. They are awarded to students who have demonstrated academic achievement, interpersonal communication skills, or unique abilities that advance multicultural perspectives in the UCLA Extension classroom.



