
职业培训 培训职业 2024-12-28
热词练习1. 牡蛎煎: oyster omelet2. 卤煮: stewed assorted giblets with wheaten cake3. 牛肉拉面: hand-pulled noodles with beef4. 卤肉饭: braised pork rice5. 双皮奶: milk custard百科练习注:请同学们不要机械记答案,了解背后的含义更容易理解。1、“尽信书,则不如


1. 牡蛎煎: oyster omelet

2. 卤煮: stewed assorted giblets with wheaten cake

3. 牛肉拉面: hand-pulled noodles with beef

4. 卤肉饭: braised pork rice

5. 双皮奶: milk custard



1、“尽信书,则不如无书”出自( D、《孟子·尽心下》)。



1、答案:D.尽信书,则不如无书 出处: 出自《孟子.尽心下》 释义: 读书时应该加以分析,不能盲目地迷信书本,不能完全相信它,应当辨证地去看问题。 渊源: 商朝最后一个“君王”纣王的首都在朝歌(今河南淇县) 殷商末年,周武王继位后四年,得知商纣王的商军主力远征东夷,朝歌空虚,即率兵伐商。周武王率本部及八个方国部落军队,进至牧野。爆发了历史上著名的牧野之战。 商纣王惊闻周军来袭,仓促调动少量的防卫兵士和战俘,开赴牧野迎战。商军的兵力和周军相比悬殊很大,但忠于纣王的将士们都决心击退来犯之敌,展开了一场异常激烈的殊死搏斗。 后来,《尚书.武成》一篇上说:“受(纣王)率其旅如林,会于牧野。罔有敌于我师(没有人愿意和我为敌),前徒倒戈,攻于后以北(向后边的自己人攻击),血流漂杵。” 战国时期的孟子,一次,他阅读了《尚书.武成》一篇,颇有感慨。他说:“尽信书,则不如无书。吾于《武成》取二三策而已矣。仁人无敌于天下。以至仁伐至不仁,而何其血之流杵也?”孟子认为,像周武王这样讲仁道的人,讨伐商纣王这样极为不仁的人,怎么会使血流成河呢?孟子不相信《尚书》中的这个记载,才说了这段话。意思是提醒人们,读书时应该加以分析,不能盲目地迷信书本。




1. The doctor's friendly manner helped the patientallay his fear.

2. Gluttony and drunkenness have been called carnal vices.

3. A family name becomes defunct when the only heir dies without any son.

4. Of the many plans submitted the committee selected the plan that seemed most feasible.

5. The boy showed ingenuity in making toys out ofscraps of discarded wood.

6. My joke caused a great deal of mirth among the little children.

7. Soldiers on the battlefield lead aprecarious life.

8. Some people believe that fate haspreordained whether they will be happy or unhappy.

9. At the council broad he wastaciturn and never opened his lips.

10. His eldest brother died after the venomous bite from the rattlesnake.


1. Allay:V-T If you allay someone's fears or doubts, you stop them feeling afraid or doubtful.

2. Gluttony:N-UNCOUNT Gluttony is the act or habit of eating too much or being greedy.

3. Defunct:ADJ If something is defunct, it no longer exists or has stopped functioning or operating.

4. Feasible:ADJ If something is feasible, it can be done, made, or achieved.

5. Scrap:N-COUNT A scrap of something is a very small piece or amount of it.

6. Mirth:N-UNCOUNT Mirth is amusement which you express by laughing.

7. Precarious:ADJ If your situation is precarious, you are not in complete control of events and might fail in what you are doing at any moment.

8. Preordained:ADJ If you say that something is preordained, you mean that you believe it is happening in the way that has been decided by a power such as God or fate.

9. Taciturn:ADJ A taciturn person does not say very much and can seem unfriendly.

10. Venomous: ADJ If you describe a person or their behavior as venomous, you mean that they show great bitterness and anger toward someone.


1. In 1840, both Lucretian Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton resented ______ proper seating at the World’s Antislavery convention in London because of their sex.

A. refusing

B. to be refused

C. being refused

D. having refused

2. America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as it ____ before the West was settled.

A. could

B. did

C. would

D. was


1.C)【句意】 1840年,露克里蒂安·莫特和伊丽莎白·凯蒂·斯坦顿因为他们的性别而没有得到伦敦世界废奴大会的席位,他们对此表示愤慨。【难点】 resent后接名词或动名词作宾语,根据句意的要求,应使用动名词的被动语态形式,故选C)。

2.B)【句意】 作为一个国家来说,美国将不再具有开拓西部前所具有的那种冒险精神。【难点】 从意义来看,空格应填had,但主句中have是实义动词,为避免重复,可用助动词do替代,即用did替代had,故B)为答案。



