A. 工程造价用英语
而需要用到的应该是专业英语,普通4 6级的英语用不上,但是你如果直接和他们交流的话,你起码口语要过关,再差再差些几个字在纸上做简单交流,要是这个都不行的话,你只能依靠翻译了......
B. 工程造价专业这个词有没有专门的英语翻译啊
engineering cost
the major of engineering cost
C. 我是工程造价专业的学生 急需以下课程名称的英文翻译
Situation and Policies ecation, puter programming based VF, cost English, engineering bill pricing, economic law and contract management, project risks and management contracts, project management, installation works over the budget, financial management, real estate valuation, municipal works, Principles of management, systems engineering, fixed principle and Budget, technical economics, construction projects over the budget, construction machinery, operations research, foundation and the foundation, construction equipment engineering, construction supervision Studies, construction design, construction economics, housing construction Xue, building regulations, management, psychology, lawyer system and practice, read financial reports of listed panies
D. 求一些工程造价专业英语词汇短语的翻译
土木工程 Civil Engineering
平面布置图 plane layout diagram,floor plan
立面图 elevational drawing
工程进度款 progress payment
质量控制 quality control
合同期限 contract term
工程利润 Project profit
施工合同 construction contract
施工验收技术规范 technical code for work and acceptance
造价师 Moderator 国家注册造价工程师 national registered cost Engineers
工程合同总造价 total contract sum
合同文件 contract documents
材料规格 specification for materials
施工现场 construction site
承包商的资格预审 prequalification of Contract business
工程管理 working management
项目规划设计和施工 project plan
质量保证期 quality assurance date
不符合规格 failed to e up to specifications
*** 机构 government anization
E. 急求~~~英文原文关于工程造价的英文
中国建设工程造价管理协会 2007 年工作要点
2007 年中价协的工作要以 *** 理论和“ *** ”重要思想为指导,围绕建设部关于建设工作的总体要求,按照“转变观念、创新服务、扎实工作、稳步发展”的工作方针,充分发挥协会的“提供服务、反映诉求、规范行为”的作用,继续推进工程造价咨询行业自律建设,促进工程造价行业的稳健发展。为此我们将重点做好以下工作:
一、协助 *** 部门规范工程造价咨询市场。根据 *** 对建设市场的要求,进一步做好工程造价咨询企业资质、造价工程师注册与考试等日常管理工作,努力为 *** 服好务。
二、加强行业的调查研究工作。对工程造价行业热点、难点问题进行深入研究,为 *** 部门决策谏言献策。在继续完成有关科研课题的同时,加大研究成果的转化和有关协会标准的推广应用力度,促进行业的可持续发展。
五、认真贯彻建设部第 150 号部令,修订完善注册造价工程师继续教育管理办法。组织编写造价工程师继续教育培训教材及全国建设工程造价员继续教育培训大纲,全面提升工程造价专业人员的综合素质和执业水平,以满足新形势下人才的需求。
六、积极开展对外交流与合作。组织参加亚太工料测量师协会( PAQS )第十一届理事会和加入国际造价工程师联合会( ICEC )的工作。
-------------------China Construction Cost Management Association 2007 points in 2007 moderately priced Society's work should be guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" as the guide, the Ministry of Construction work on the general requirement, according to "change their concepts, innovative services, and do solid work, steady development "in their work, and give full play to the Association" to provide services, reflecting demands. irregularities ", has continued to promote the project cost consulting instry self-discipline, and promote the healthy development of trade project cost. Therefore, we will focus on the following tasks : First, to help government departments to standardize the construction cost consulting market. According to the construction market, further improve the quality of the project cost consulting business. Cost Engineer registered with the day-to-day management of examinations, the government efforts to provide good service. Second, the instry's investigations. Cost of the project hot instries, and difficult to conct in-depth research, the advice and suggestions to policy-making government departments. Completion of the research projects at the same time continuing to increase research and the results of the application of the standards association, promote the sustainable development of instry. Third, instry norms, improve self-building. Developing and refining instry norms and standards. In the self-management of the research results, based on sound engineering cost professionals practicing moral code, Project Cost Advisory oute document quality standards, outstanding engineering achievements of the asses *** ent methods and other related costs. to raise the standard of practice and the quality of services, and create a sound environment for the development of the instry cost. Fourth, promoting the project cost consulting instry credibility. Graally establish a cost consulting enterprises registered Cost Engineer credit file system to cost consulting enterprises, Cost Engineer side to implement the registration system and disciplinary warning mechani *** . Promote instry integrity, honesty instry anizations evaluate, select members of the advanced units, advanced indivial member activities. Project Cost Consulting Firms continue operating ine 100 scheling, project consultant for brand awareness. 5, conscientiously implement Decree No. 150 of the Ministry of revising and improving the management of continuing ecation registration cost engineer. Cost Engineers prepared to continue ecation and training materials for the continuing ecation of the National Construction Cost training outline raise the overall quality of construction costs and professional practice standards to meet the demand under the new situation. Sixth, actively carry out exchanges and cooperation with foreign countries. Organizations in the Asia-Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors (PAQS) 11th Council and the international cost of Engineers ( ICEC). 7, the secretariat of the Association to continue to do work and anizations. Increase awareness of independent innovation, expand service areas and deepen services, and improve the quality of service.
F. 关于工程造价、英语
G. "工程造价专业"的英语怎么说
project cost
H. 工程造价这门专业,要学英语吗我英语不怎么好
I. 土木工程, 和工程造价这两个专业的英文是啥
Civil Engineering
Construction Cost
J. 学工程造价专业的,对英语有要求吗