Tea has a series of advantages to the human body,in addition to it after the first bitter sweet lead a person to endless aftertastes, can be refreshing。
The history of tea can be traced back to the emperor of China's thousands of years ago,he found that drinking tea can detox period, can increase the thick, improve your endurance。Tea is a representative of Chinese culture,In addition to being a drink outside。
In ancient times, has a high social status on the rich or noble will tea,this shows that tea has many benefits。As early as in the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea was by land and sea way from all over. First to Japan and Korea, then to India and central asia. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but also spread to Arabia island. At the beginning of the seventeenth Century, Chinese tea was exported to Europe, where the upper class nobles are fond of tea said。Tea by people over the world is a fact。