网红在英文中可以表述为"influencer",这个词直接传达了网红具有影响力的核心特征。举例而言,"Influencers can earn 10 times more than their trainers, with really successful hosts earning up to 20 times more." 显示了网红收入远超培训师的状况,尤其是那些真正成功的主播,其收入甚至可能高达20倍。
另一种表述方式是使用"cyber star",此词强调了网络的属性,将网红与网络时代的明星联系起来。例如,"Even for top cyber stars, if they do not work hard, people may not know them at all in a few years." 提醒我们,即便是顶级的网络明星,若不努力工作,也可能在几年内被遗忘。
"Internet celebrity" 是直接的翻译方式,强调了网红与互联网的联系,意指互联网上的名人。例如,"A high school student in Chongqing became an Internet celebrity after he got accepted into a prestigious preparatory college in the United States." 描述了重庆一名高中生因被美国一所顶尖预科学院录取而成为网络名人的情形。
"Blue-eyed boy" 在英式英语中多用于贬义,但将其用于网络语境,可以表示褒义的网红。例如,"Brother Sharp never wanted to be a 'fashion icon' or a blue-eyed boy on the Internet." 犀利哥从未想过要成为时尚偶像或网络红人。
"Web sensation" 强调了网红在网络上的轰动效应。例句如,"The rodent first made its appearance in a holiday photo taken by an American couple in Canada and has gone on to become a Web sensation." 描述了在加拿大一对美国夫妻拍摄的度假照片中首次亮相的啮齿动物,最终成为了网络红人。同样,"No wonder the 'news raider' has become an overnight Internet sensation." 表达了新闻闯客一夜之间成为网络红人的事实。
"KOL" 是"Key Opinion Leader"的缩写,代表意见领袖,具备网红的特质。例如,"As a KOL in terms of lipstick, Li Jiaqi is Dubbed the “Lipstick King”." 描述了李佳琦作为口红带货网红,被称作“口红大王”的情形。