In modern times, an increasing number of city dwellers own private cars. Undoubtedly, private cars enable us to travel faster and farther; however, they have also caused several problems. For instance, they emit excessive exhaust fumes, leading to air pollution. This, in turn, affects the elderly particularly severely. Moreover, private cars significantly contribute to traffic congestion and a rise in accidents. Traffic jams have long been a pressing issue in major cities, causing significant inconvenience to people's daily lives and work. For instance, commuters often have to leave earlier to arrive at work on time and return late after their workday ends. If road construction cannot keep pace with the rapidly growing number of cars, roads will become increasingly crowded over time.
Despite the convenience and flexibility offered by the development of private cars, it is no longer feasible to solely rely on public transport. However, the proliferation of private cars has worsened city traffic conditions, with traffic jams becoming a ubiquitous phenomenon. An excessive number of cars also contributes to air pollution. My point is that while the private car industry should continue to develop, efforts should be made to protect the environment in other areas. This will promote economic progress and facilitate people's lives while mitigating the impact on the environment.