避免重复"also"和"in addition":例如,“The company will form a Sustainability Committee”而非“Additionally, the company will also form a Sustainability Committee.”
避免重复货币单位:例如,“The company will contribute $1 million dollars”可简化为“$1 million”。
避免重复“reach a record”与“new”:如“reach a new record high”可简化为“reach a record high”。
避免重复时间描述,如“2 a.m. in the morning”和“2 p.m. in the afternoon”,可简化为“2 a.m.”和“2 p.m.”。
补白语则在口语中起到填补沉默、给对方或自己思考时间的作用。常见的补白语有“like”,“literally”,“believe me”等。使用补白语时应根据具体情况调整,如:
给对方预留思考时间:“When we speak about something deep or difficult, we should use filler words to give the listener more time to catch up.”
为自己预留思考时间:“If we are asked a particularly difficult or technical question, we've then got a blank mind. What we can do is use some filler words in order to earn us more thinking time.”