计算机科学与技术:Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology.
序号:order number 或 serial number
课程名称:Course Name
课程代号:Course Code 或 Course Number
开课学期:Assignment of the Course
课程类型:Course Type
总评成绩:Overall achievement
重修学分:repeated a course
计算机导论:Introduction to Computers
计算机美术概论:Introduction to Computer Art
数字摄影基础:Foundation Degree in Photography and Digital Design
体育:physical training 或 sports
思想道德修养与法律基础:Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Basis of Law
公共英语:Public English
军事理论与军训:Military Training and Theory
大学语文:University Literature
高等数学:Higher Mathematics
计算机基础C/C++程序设计:Computer-based C / C + + Programming
马克思主义哲学原理:Principles of Marxist Philosophy
数字媒体无力基础(电磁):Digital Media inability to base (electromagnetic)
数字媒体技术与应用:Digital Media Technology and Application
平面图像设计:Graphic Design
C语言课程设计:Curriculum Design of C Language