
职业培训 培训职业 2024-12-04
有很多话题可以延伸,下面罗列了一些,可以选几个自己擅长的去跟对方聊,如果对方也有话聊的话就可以延伸出去了,如果对方没什么讲的就换个话题再试,呵呵需要我帮你设计对话情节的话请选出话题我再回 英语聊天话题 1. What is more important,love or money 2. How could yo

有很多话题可以延伸,下面罗列了一些,可以选几个自己擅长的去跟对方聊,如果对方也有话聊的话就可以延伸出去了,如果对方没什么讲的就换个话题再试,呵呵需要我帮你设计对话情节的话请选出话题我再回 英语聊天话题

1. What is more important,love or money

2. How could you get happiness from a boring work

3. Have you ever feel shy of your parents

4. Do you think that most people are selfish

5. How to success

1. What\'s your goal in life

2. Do you wear mask in the Internet

3. Talking weather.

4. What\'s your opinion on the meaning of life

5. How to define mature

1. What\'s your ideal love

2. What do You think of time

3. Will you tell us the story of your ID on internet

4. How to develop Your Special Talent?

5. How do you get it over in the blue day

1. Will you meet the a net friend

2. How to balance the relationship between your spouse and your lover

3. Do you believe that you can make some real friends in the networld

4. Does the friendship in the networld last long

5. Show your opinion on living alone.

1. What kind of admins do you like best

2.What manners should visiters in a chatroom possess`1

3. Which do you prefer, working in daytime or at night

4. Is it a waste of money to spend on famous brands

5. Tell us a moment that impresses you the most.


1.Does appearance affect your self-confidence

2.How to stop domestic violence

3.Your money-saving tips

4.Is money hurting your relationship

5.How do you cheer up yourself

6.Any dissatisfaction with this room

7.Your opinion on online-dating

8.Do you believe IQ test

9.Ways to boost your confidence

10.How to maximize your potential

11.Do you wanna be a home-worker

12.Is working taking over your life

13.What’s your dream job

14.Do men prefer skinny women

15.Your attitude towards long distance love

16.Have you ever been fallen apart with grief

17.Coping with infidelity

18.How to boost your self-esteem

19.How do you view the positive side of stress

20.How to position yourself

No.5 1. Do you care for how a netfriend think of you

2. What is love

3. What is more important than love

3. Which one is more important, Love or money

4. Which day do you like most in a week

5. Will Challengs allow you to prove yourself

6. What\'s the difference between Study abroad and China education system

7. Would you like to share your dreams with me

8. Do you work hard

How could you get something happiness from a boring work

9. Do you keep your promise

Say what you mean and mean what you say

10. Have you ever feel shy of your parents

11. How to success

12. Do you think that most people are selfish

13. What\'s your goal in life

14. Do you wear mask in the Internet

15. Talking weather.

16. What\'s your opinion on the meaning of life

17. How to define mature

18. What\'s your ideal love

19. What do YOU think of Human Clone

20. What do You think of time

21. Have you ever told lies

22. Will you tell us the story of your ID on internet

23. What\'s the difference between you and your boss

24. How to develop Your Special Talent?

25. What did you do this weekend

26. How do you get it over in the blue day

27. How to communicate

28. What\'s your hobby

29. How to define "Friend" in your opinion

Related topic: About Workplace Friendships

30. Are you trying to losing weight

31. The topic of Adumbral umbrella

32. How to date girl

33. What\'s YOUR views about Internet

34. Something about Man and Woman

35. How do you think of games

36. What\'s your opinion on Smoking

37. Are you too shy

38. Process is more important than result

39. What is happiness



