
职业培训 培训职业 2024-11-29
Emily Mason and George Peters were good friends, though they sometimes fought over toys or quarreled (吵架) about what game they would play. As they grew older, they played together less. They almost stopped speaking to each other, not because they had di

Emily Mason and George Peters were good friends, though they sometimes fought over toys or quarreled (吵架) about what game they would play. As they grew older, they played together less. They almost stopped speaking to each other, not because they had disagreed with each other about anything, but just because they belonged to different groups. For one thing, Emily was developing into a very good student, while George was more interested in sports. Emily had begun to study French, and she liked French so much that she began to write short plays in French. She also liked television programmes, and for some reason, she enjoyed watching football games very much. Her mother used to say, "Emily, I've never heard of a girl who likes football as much as you do." Mrs. Mason simply did not approve of (赞同) her daughter's interest.

While Emily was working on her French lessons or watching football games on TV, George was working for his father in his store after school. He liked selling things to people. Mr. Peters found George so helpful that he thought about offering him a higher pay.

In fact, it was football that brought Emily and George back together. When George was going home one afternoon, he looked in the window of Emily's living-room and he saw that she was watching a football game on TV. He walked up and knocked at the door. Emily was surprised to see him, but she asked him to come in, and they watched the rest of the game together. Emily and George are good friends again. They still have different ideas about things sometimes, but they agree with each other that football is the world's best game. Mrs. Mason doesn't seem to disapprove of her daughter's interest in football as much as she used to.



