礼物用英语怎么写
职业培训
培训职业
2024-11-29
礼物用英语可以表示为gift,giving,tribute。其中gift的意思有:天赋,赠送,赠品,礼物。giving的意思有:礼物,给予物,给予,赠送。tribute的意思有:致敬,贡品,悼念,体现。拓展资料gift,giving,tribute1、我送你这件礼物以表敬意。Isendyouthisgiftasamarkofesteem
礼物用英语可以表示为gift,
giving,
tribute。其中gift的意思有:天赋,赠送,赠品,礼物。
giving的意思有:礼物,给予物,给予,赠送。tribute的意思有:致敬,贡品,悼念,体现。
拓展资料
gift,
giving,
tribute
1、我送你这件礼物以表敬意。
send
you
this
gift
as
a
mark
of
esteem.
2、我给母亲买了一份生日礼物。
bought
a
birthday
present
for
my
mother
.
3、我的确记得拿了礼物。
did
remember
to
take
the
present.
4、你还收到了别的什么生日礼物?
What
else
have
you
had
for
your
birthday?
5、同窗和老师们来看望他,送了一大堆礼物和卡片。
His
school
friends
and
his
teachers
visited
him
and
he
got
loads
of
presents
and
cards.
6、母亲让我相信新出生的宝宝是给我的一个礼物。
Mother
had
led
me
to
believe
the
new
baby
was
a
kind
of
present
for
me
.
7、我的钱不够买所有这些礼物,我母亲只好借了我一些钱。
All
these
presents
came
to
more
money
than
had,
and
my
mother
had
to
help
me
out.
8、今年我们甚至无法给自己的孙儿辈买礼物了。这真让人心碎。
This
year
we
won't
even
be
able
to
buy
presents
for
our
grandchildren.
It's
heartbreaking.
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