关于英语演讲比赛时的 现场提问

职业培训 培训职业 2024-11-29
Sorry I beg you pardon. 这个应该是最有礼貌的说法 恩。。其实问的话也就是问些你关于这个内容有的看法啊Theme&Topic讲的明确就可以啦。然后如果有讲述什么例子之类的要明确一下所举的这个例子说明什么或者证明了你的哪个观点。 只知道你的内容是Youth的话不大容易模拟问题

Sorry I beg you pardon. 这个应该是最有礼貌的说法


只知道你的内容是Youth的话不大容易模拟问题额。。。不过老师要问的话大概就问些关于你说的内容的main idea或者一些没表述清楚的细节吧。。。



然后就是你说到的body language,这一点的确很重要,平时一些不太好的小动作,不如讲话时咂嘴巴这种一定不能出现。演讲时表情要丰富,多看看评委,还有观众,面带微笑(看你将设么话题),表现的自然些。 声音上没什么好说的,别太紧张,否则会颤音。 讲话时发音什么的一定要清晰,连贯,语速方面不能太快,停顿得当。声音别太小。放开一些。


你在第十四个的上去演讲的话,还要注意下上台介绍自己后,对之前给个参赛同学的表演略提一下。比如说一下,They really did a good job/Their speeches are all fantastic这样。 上下台脚步声别太大。






1. 当然要背熟稿子,这是基本的基本。

2. 发音清晰,速度要放慢,注意词语的抑扬顿挫,1分钟说90自左右,记得我当年的稿子好像5分钟说了480字的稿子~~

3. 加上一些手势以加重资讯表达,比如以食指、手掌示意,加重语气。表情也要注意下哈!

4. 衣服要端庄,女生不要太花枝招展,男生不要太随意。这样显得知性、理性一些。

5. 不知道楼主的演讲环节有没有即问即答,如果有的话,听完问题已当别忘了说 thanks for your question! 然后再稍作思考回答,当然反映要快,但也别太快的脱口而出。

6. 最后就是要自信满满,那一刻,你就是楼台的主角!



tv杯英语演讲比赛 中央电视台希望英语的那个


其实以我自己的经验来说,夸张不是最重要的,英语演讲比赛最重要的看你的语音,语调。我们中国人念英语有点像机器人说话。我强烈建议你找个外国人念一遍,用复读机好好模仿他的语音,语调。到正式比赛的时候,要注意肢体语言,面部表情和EYE CONTACT。一定要和听众有眼神交流!这是最重要的。别听老师说把台下的人都当木头人,要把他们当作和你聊天的人。祝你成功



President Bush's speech at Christmas

Good morning. As families across our Nation gather to celebrate Christmas, Laura and I send our best wishes for the holidays. We hope that your Christmas will be blessed with family and fellowship.

At this special time of year, we give thanks for Christ's message of love and hope. Christmas reminds us that we have a duty to others, and we see that sense of duty fulfilled in the men and women who wear our Nation's uniform.

America is blessed to have fine citizens who volunteer to defend us in distant lands. For many of them, this Christmas will be spent far from home, and on Christmas our Nation honors their sacrifice, and thanks them for all they do to defend our freedom.

At Christmas, we also recognize the sacrifice of our Nation's military families. Staying behind when a family member goes to war is a heavy burden, and it is particularly hard during the holidays. To all our military families listening today, Laura and I thank you, and we ask the Almighty to bestow His protection and care on your loved ones as they protect our Nation.

This Christmas season es at a time of change here in our Nation's capital -- with a new Congress set to arrive, a review of our Iraq strategy underway, and a new Secretary of Defense taking office. If you're serving on the front lines halfway across the world, it is natural to wonder what all this means for you. I want our troops to know that while the ing year will bring change, one thing will not change, and that is our Nation's support for you and the vital work you do to achieve a victory in Iraq. The American people are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers, and we will make sure you have the resources you need to acplish your mission.

This Christmas, millions of Americans are ing together to show our deployed forces and wounded warriors love and support. Patriotic groups and charities all across America are sending gifts and care packages to our servicemen and women, visiting our troops recovering at military hospitals, reaching out to children whose moms and dads are serving abroad, and going to airports to wele our troops home and to let them know they are appreciated by a grateful Nation.

One man who's making a difference this holiday season is Jim Wareing. Jim is the founder of New England Caring for Our Military. This year, Jim helped anize a gift drive by thousands of students from Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Students from kindergarten to high school collected more than 20,000 gifts for our troops abroad. The gifts are being sent to troops stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Korea, Japan, and Africa. The care packages include books and puzzles, board games, phone cards, fresh socks, and T-shirts, and about 7,000 handmade holiday greeting cards and posters. Jim says, quote "It's probably always hard for troops to be far away from home, but especially hard on the holidays. I use this as an opportunity to try to pay them back for my freedom."

Citizens like Jim Wareing represent the true strength of our country, and they make America proud. I urge every American to find some way to thank our military this Christmas season. If you see a Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, or a member of the Coast Guard, take a moment to s and say, "Thanks for your service." And if you want to reach out to our troops, or help out the military family down the street, the Department of Defense has set up a website to help. It is: AmericaSupportsYou.Mil. This website lists more than 150 passionate anizations that can use your help. In this season of giving, let us stand with the men and women who stand up for America.





